Shwaish 2.0

Good morning

It’s me again. Shwaish. Used to have a “Screw the Princess…She’s dead” princessdom blog? I deleted it ALL twice because people from my real life kept on finding me on my “real-er” life, where everything is transparent and I desperatly and devestatingly lack a filter? Remember me? No? Well then fuck you, man.

Anyway its been at lease 6 months since I completly and utterly disappeared from the blogging world and something peculiar came out of that. Since I no longer had my little private niche in cyberspace where I can go ahead and vent and dump on everything in life, I started doing that with people…FACE TO FACE and that sucked. Not because of the people I’m venting to but because I dont think I’m emotionally mature enough to hear or infer that “no one cares”. I mean dont get me wrong, I know no one cares here either but at least here , on my blog, I can just delete the offending comment or rationalize it by saying that you guys dont know me enough to really matter (sorry!) but hearing or seeing or infering the “no one cares” face to face is a killer.

Long story short, I’m back

I love you all, some more than others

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